Office for Institutional Equity & Access

Know Your IX

Students: Here are 9 things to know about Title IX. Learn how you are protected under this Civil Rights law. Title IX Powerpoint:

KNOW YOUR IX: 9 things to know about Title IX

 1.  Title IX is a landmark civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Generally, Title IX is not just about sports. It also addresses sexual violence, rape, sexual assault, harassment, domestic violence and some forms of stalking.

 2. Title IX does not apply to female students only. Male and gender non-conforming students are also protected.

 3. Schools must be proactive and ensure that your campus is free of sex discrimination. They can't just wait for something to go wrong. In doing so, St. Cloud State University recommends reporting any possible violations of Title IX as soon as possible after the incident.

 4. Schools must have an established procedure to handle complaints on sex discrimination, harassment and violence. St. Cloud State University's established procedure includes the filing of a complaint, initial review of a complaint, investigation, and a decision.

 5. Schools must take immediate action to ensure that a survivor can continue his or her education safely. St. Cloud State University may take interim measures during a Title IX investigation to ensure that the complaint is safe and that due process is allowed. This may include, but is not limited to: student, organization and club contact directives, residential accommodations, and academic modifications.

 6. Schools must not retaliate or let someone else retaliate against a victim of violence. St. Cloud State University protects against retaliation and repraisal through a variety of means.

 7.  Schools can issue a no contact directive to prevent a student from interacting with you. It's kind of like a campus restraining order.

 8.  In cases of sexual violence, schools are prohibited from encouraging or allowing informal mediation; rather a formal hearing should take place. St. Cloud State University strongly recommends going through the processes established on-campus through the Office for Institutional Equity and Access and the Division of Student Affairs.

 9. Schools cannot discourage you continuing your education, since you have a right to education under Title IX. You have a right to remain on campus and have every educational and program opportunity available to you.